September 23, 2016
National Science Foundation collaborative grant entitled “Asked and Answered: Intelligent Data Science for Software Projects” will support development of a tool that can answer software analytics queries over systems engineering project data (e.g., requirements, design, code, test cases and fault logs). This project is done in collaboration with Dr. Jane Huang from University of Notre Dame; the effort at DePaul will focus on developing a federated database query engine that can efficiently execute software analytics queries based on heterogeneous data sources and subject to data sharing and distribution policies.
PI: Alexander Rasin
Grant Amount: $222,333
National Science Foundation Transition To Practice (TTP) grant entitled “A Kit for Exploring Databases under the Hood for Security, Forensics and Data Recovery” will support formulating database storage principles and development of independent tools to inspect database internals. These tools will be used to perform emergency data recovery, discover potential vectors for data ex-filtration and apply forensic analysis to database storage several database management systems.
PI: Alexander Rasin
co-PI: Jacob Furst
Grant Amount: $264,838