- Email: rtchoua@depaul.edu
- Phone: 312-362-6796
- CDM 702
Roselyne Tchoua, PhD
Roselyne Tchoua is an Assistant Professor at the School of Computing, DePaul University, USA. Her interests gravitate around making seemingly inaccessible technology or manageable amounts of data more reachable. She joined DePaul Center for Data Science to continue working in the fascinating space between computer science and other science fields, extracting insight from data using machine learning, natural language processing techniques and crowdsourcing. She received her PhD in computer science from the University of Chicago, focusing on Hybrid Human Machine Scientific Information Extraction. During her graduate studies, she collaborated with scientists at the Institute of Molecular Engineering and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to extract polymer names and properties from the literature. Before going to the University of Chicago, she was a scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in the Scientific Data Group. She has seven years of experience working with scientific applications. At ORNL, she implemented and maintained online simulation data management and collaboration tool for High Performance Computing scientists.
[CDM / Google Scholar / ResearchGate / Dblp]